Ergonomic Work Station Assessments

Workers absent or in pain impacts businesses financially, including reduced productivity. Keeping your workforce healthy is crucial for optimal performance. An ergonomic workstation assessment analyses tasks, working posture, behaviours, and equipment to provide an optimal working environment.

Our Services

Not Just Work Station Ergonomics

Work station ergonomics is only one part of the service provided to your staff. Work Life-Physiotherapy engages each client to re-educate behaviours and facilitate self management. Whether this is through task breakdown, pacing advice, exercise advice, stretches or strengthening that is individualised to each person in your workplace.


Work-Life Physiotherapy will provide individualised recommendations to clients and employers (client medical confidentiality maintained). Recommendations of equipment provision or task adjustments will be communicated. Equipment ordering and set-up available on request.

Hot Desk/Irregular Work Stations

Work-Life Physiotherapy can provide a group seminar with aim to educate all staff on work station ergonomics specific for your work-type. This will include typical strengthening, stretches, injury prevention, work station set up and self-management techniques.

Working From Home

Do your staff work primarily from home but you still want to provide them work station advice? Talk with us about options for either in-person assessment or telehealth review? We can provide a quality service via a video link or in-person to assess their home set-up.

We provide expert physiotherapy knowledge and healthcare navigation

No subscription or ongoing cost- services as required

Tailored for your business


  • $150/hour + GST *

    $60/hour + GST ACC injury work station assessment

    $250 + GST Group Seminar (approx. 1 hour presentation)

    Travel within 10km of Tauranga CBD no charge. Other travel on quote.

    *In typical office set-up, approximately 3 workstations assessed per hour.